Friday, November 21, 2008

First Floor Walls Nearly Completed

When I last wrote three weeks ago, I was frustrated with the progress. I still am, but things are starting to take shape. It looks like we'll be putting on the roof next week. Joe is planning on putting in the window wells and backfilling the foundation next week also. The ground is already pretty frozen because of the cold weather we've been having. Any hopes of landscaping I had are long gone for this year.

The waterproofing below ground is complete here, and the first floor walls have started going up.
This is the Platon dimpled membrane which goes on the outside of the house, below grade. The dimples go next to the wall, creating an air pocket which lets the walls breathe.

Another view of the waterproofing.

The dimpled membrane applied, and the backfill started.

It's starting to look like a house.

The basement stairs.

The last pour for the Faswall. Next step is finishing the backfill and getting the roof on.

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